Friday, May 4, 2012

Mom Was Right! Too Yet!

In addition to my previous blog Mom Was Right! mom's birthday
I have one more thing.

Tonight I went to an old fashioned Hymn Sing held by the Ambassador's group
at my church...funny, fun, goofy, and yes...a Lot little bit of Alzheimer's present lol!
It started out with the 3 leaders singing the wrong words and went up from there!
But gorgeous old gospel hymns were sung and a great time was had by all.

And of course...out of the 30 tables set up...God puts at mine, the 3 performers and
the accompanist who plays gospel music on the piano like my mom used to play.
I kid you not!!!! That's how God hits me up side my head....just like that.

So...this is my tomorrow.....
I've been asked to direct the newly forming choir which will perform at the
old people's home...
and fix the piano which has two sticking keys.

God is present. God is good. God has a sense of humor!


  1. Hi there! Just found your blog through another blog and glad I did! This post reminded me of the show my mom used to watch each and every week and I think it was called Hymn Sing. I think it was on Sunday afternoons at 4:30. This was more than 40 years ago.. funny that your post reminded me of it! Nice blog!


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